Category Archives: Viral of the Week

Viral of the Week – First World Problems

“First World Problems” is a term that keeps popping up a lot lately, especially in the Twittersphere.   (See #FirstWorldProblems)    The phrase makes light of the “problems” many of us are fortunate enough to have. This week’s Viral of the Week is a video from an aspiring young comedian/rapper/goofball named Zach – titled appropriately, “The First World Problems Rap.” Now if only my Youtube would stop buffering… ugh, life is so unfair!

Viral of the Week – Cone-ing is the New Planking

Aiming to displace ”Planking” as the latest internet meme craze, we are excited to introduce ”Cone-ing” to you as as a serious contender looking to steal the spotlight.    The concept behind this ridiculous meme, made popular by Alki Stevens, is simple –capture unsuspecting drive through operators reactions by grabbing a Ice Cream cone from the ice cream instead of the cone.  It’s as hilarious – and messy – as it sounds.   Just ask this guy.

Viral of the Week – “Whole Foods Parking Lot”

Patrons of Whole Foods will find a lot to relate to (and laugh at) in this week’s viral pick.   “Whole Foods Parking Lot” is one man’s catchy rap (tough) love letter to the organic grocery store aimed primarily at the insanely small and competitive parking lots found at many of their stores.  In fact, we are writing this week’s digest right now while waiting for a spot at one.   It’s only been 36 hours so far…

Viral of the Week – What Are You Listening To?

Every day we walk past hordes of people plugged into headphones. Have you ever wondered what they’re listening to? Sure you might guess based on their appearance, but you’d probably be wrong. One filmmaker in NYC aimed to find out and recorded the answers in an interesting video experiment. Just days later, a viewer inspired by the video conducted the same experiment in London. We were surprised at several of the responses… What about you?

Viral of the Week – Dunder 8weeks – 1yr In 40 Seconds

And for your daily dose of cuteness – because that’s all that has been making the viral rounds lately – here is a German Shepard named Dunder growing up from 8 weeks to 1 year old in 40 seconds through a series of photos. He looks like a great dog and almost 2.8 million people probably agree.